Saturday, March 14, 2020

Follow-up emails that will get you hired

Follow-up emailles that will get you hired3KWhen I first started working, I welches never a big fan of sending follow-up emails. Instead, I used to spend hours polishing my resume and practicing for the interview. I never really knew how to write a follow-up email so I just didnt do it. What I didnt realise welches, I was letting opportunities pass me by by not closing the deal.After years of struggling with what content I should include and how long I should wait before sending the email, Ive got it figured out. Below, Ill share what Ive learned along with examples to illustrate the points.Why are follow-up emails important?A follow-up email is your way of showing that you care about what you and the person in question had previously spoken about and proves you werent just making small talk. A good example is when people contact us because theyd like to write for our blog. 90% of them dont send a follow-up email they never do it. This makes me question whether they really want to w ork with us, or theyre just trying their luck. The ones that keep bothering us with follow-up emails get our attention.A follow-up email is the difference between someone throwing resumes at the wall to landsee what sticks and the person who is genuinely interested in working with you. When do I send a follow-up email? The amount of time that should pass before sending the email depends on why youre sending it. For example, after an interview, a job fair or a networking event, its good to send it within 24 hours. This way, youll be able to remind the person about who you are or what you talked about. When sending your resume to the CEO of your dream company, you could give it at least 48 hours. As they are one of the busiest in the company, it might take them longer to read your initial message.What to write in a follow-up email?Again, it depends on the context of your situation. Youd write a slightly different one after an interview or a networking event. Lets look at these 4 diffe rent scenarios.1. Job interviewsI know, the only thing you want to do after an exhausting interview is to drink a bottle of wine. Get rid of that annoying voice in your head reminding you of what you could have said better.Before you do that, though, sit down for just 15 mora minutes and write up a good follow-up email. Dont let them forget about you. Reiterate your interest in the job position and the company. To remind the recruiter why you are the ONE for the job, highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the job you applied for. Use the same keywords they did in the job spec. After an interview, theres always something you forgot to mention. The follow-up email is your way of adding something important you wanted to mention but forgot because you dont deal well with stress.ExampleHi Name,Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me about the Position with Company.After speaking with you, I believe that I would be a perfect candidate for t his position. Id offer the Your top skill and Another top skill that you need for such a diversified position.In addition to my enthusiasm for performing well, I would bring the Your experience in the required field necessary to get the job done.I look forward to hearing from you once the final decisions are made regarding this position.Please feel free to contact me at any time if further information is needed.Thank you again for your time and consideration.Sincerely,Your NameHand-picked related content 2. Networking eventsIf you just attended a networking event, it was because you wanted to meet new people and get new contacts, right? Remember to collect emails or business cards of anyone who youd like to stay in touch with. Why? So you can send them a short message afterwards, to help them remember you. This can also help them remember who you are in a time when you have a project to work on with them. All you need to do is write your future e-mail as a reply to the old one. The y will see you had a conversation before.Your message to such people should be short and straight to the point. Also, try to tie it to what you two talked about. Preferably something more meaningful than the weather.Like that, you will show your appreciation, willingness to stay in touch and develop a further relationship.ExampleHey Name,Its Your name and we met on todays Name of the event. It was great meeting you and I must say I totally agree with you on The thing you talked about.Id love to chat with you in the near future about The thing that connects you two and is of interest to both of you.I enjoyed connecting with you and I look forward to engaging with you in the futureAll the best,Your name3. Job fairsA job fair is an exciting opportunity to meet your dream company or a potential employer to have a casual chat. Its a chance to leave a good first impression together with your recently enhanced resume. ?? The role of a follow-up email is quite important here. It could be yo ur way of getting an interview, especially if it was a one where everyones trying to make a lasting impression.In the email, explain how excited youd be to work for them. Mention the main reasons why you would be the right person for the job, emphasize your strengths and capabilities while demonstrating that you would be a good company fit. of your qualities as a candidate and why you think youd be the right fit for them. Still, keep it short and straight to the point.This way youll reinforce their interest and show your recognition of their company.ExampleHi Name,Its Your name and we met on todays Name of the job fair. I know your inbox is probably a busy place, but I just wanted to say Thank You for talking to me today.As I mentioned, I would be excited to get a chance for an interview for the position of The position youre currently offering. I believe that both my soft and hard skills are strongly in line with your requirements.I think my experience in Your special skill/experie nce would come in ackerschnacker when developing a new strategy for the name of the company/project you discussedwe discussed. Let me know if youd like any additional information.I also attached my resume, just in case. Thanks again and I hope to hearing from you soon.Best,Your name4. Follow-up email after sending your resume to a potential employerOne of the advice I give to students and other job-hunters on events is this. Instead of uploading your resume through the job-boards and general websites, contact the CEO or a manager of a department youd like to work in. The question they ask me after that is But what if they dont reply? What do we do then? The answer is send them a follow-up email.Again, its your way of reminding them of how motivated you are why youd be the right choice for them. Before drafting the email, check the persons social media profiles. Have they recently posted anything that you find interesting? Consider mentioning that in the email to catch their attenti on. Its good to wait at least 48 hours before you follow-up with them. (Use a similar example as the one in the first point.)Back to youYes, looking for a job is a difficult task. You need to research the company youd like to work for and craft an amazing job-specific resume. Then, if youre lucky enough, they give you a chance for an interview. After that, you even have to write a follow-up email But once you do all that, the reward is sweeter than Swiss chocolate. Dont give up and follow our advice. The finish line is close.*note, the original version of this article was published May 10th, 2017 Tags career, career advice, job search

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