Monday, May 18, 2020

Can I Pay Someone to Find Me a Job

Can I Pay Someone to Find Me a Job The simple answer is yes, you can pay someone to find you a job. There are companies and individuals that will help you with certain aspects of the job search. You can work with staffing agencies, recruiters, headhunters, career coaches, and others.The job search process can feel like a job all on its own. It is a long and exhausting process that many people don’t have time for, don't have experience with, or simply do not enjoy doing.Quality job searching takes time. It takesknowing how to make a great resume, how to appropriately network, and how to apply to the right jobs. Not to mention being able to successfully interview once you get your foot in the door.All of this can seem overwhelming to someone whose profession is, well.... anything other than job searching. Don't worry. We've got your back. In this article, we will explain some options that can ease your mindwhile also providing you with more freedom to do the things you love.Who Can You Pay to Find a Job?First of all - let's get one thing straight. There are very few companies(if any)who are going to ask you to write them a checkand as a result, they will 100% guarantee you a new job.I'd be wary of any company that 'guarantees' employment. Read the fine print!There are however companies out there whocan assist with your job searchand play a key role in finding your next job.As a job seeker, it's important for you to know exactly what resources you have available, and which ones will be best for your unique situation.Here are types of people you can work with to find a job:Career Coaches (Paid) Resume Writers (Free/Paid) Recruiters Headhunters (Free)You might be surprised to hear exactly how these people can help you...Career Coaches (Traditional + Modern)Did you know that there are two different kinds of career coaches?Most people think of career coaches as individuals or teams who coach job seekers through the frustrating process of job searching.While this is an accurate description of most car eer coaches, it is not true for all of them.There are traditional career coaches like the onewe just described above, and there are modern career coaches, like the one we will describe below.Traditional Career CoachesTraditional career coaching servicescome in many different shapes and sizes.You could hire a traditional career coach to help with:Job search techniques Resume cover letter writing Interview preparation Salary negotiation Mid-career changeWhile traditional career coaches will not usually guarantee a job as a result of their services, there are many excellent career coaches out there who have been attributed to making the difference that the job seeker needed to actually get the job.Traditional career coaches are great for job seekers who just need a little extra boost to make the difference. They can be a great coach, teaching you how to have a successful job search.However, at the end of the day, it is still you who has to do the work to find your next job. Your coach will be there to support you, but a traditional career coach will not physically do the work for you. That brings us to the modern career coaches...Modern Career CoachesModern career coaching services take a slightly different approach to helpwith yourjob search. Rather than teaching you how to do the work, modern career coaches simply do the work for you.You could hire a modern career coach to:Find relevant jobs for you each week Customize your resume for eachapplication Fill out job applications on your behalf Network with target companies on your behalf Prepare you for interviewsAs you can see,modern career coaches aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and do the work for you. If they looked just like you, modern career coaches would probably want to walk right into your interviews for you, but that's pretty much where theydraw the line.At Find My Profession - we believe that we have pioneered the Modern Career Coach process. We are proud to offer a professionally managed job s earch service unlike any other.Not for you? Keep on reading, we have plenty of great resources to help you find a job.Resume Writers (Most Common)When it comes to paying someone to find a job, resume writers are usually the first people that come to mind. Resumes are considered by many to be the most fundamental part of a job search. After all, without a resume, it would be hard to fill out a job application.Resume writers all have at least one thing in common. They write resumes. However, that would be like saying all humans have one thing in common. We have legs.Resume writers are not all the same. In fact, they are very unique. Writing resumes that actually get results requiresa thorough understanding of your work. If one resume writer has written 100 sales resumes, but 0 finance resumes, then that person really would not be very useful.When you are looking for a resume writer, check for three easy things:Do they have experience writing resumes in your line of work? Are they will ing to work with you to make edits/revisions? How is their online image (reviews?)By doing the basics above, you will save yourself countless headaches and disappointments.Resume writers truly do play a huge role in helping people find jobs. Whether you hire a professional to write your resume or use a free resume builder website, you are much better off with a resume than without one.Recruiters Headhunters (Free option)If you’re looking for free help finding a job, you willprobably want to work with a recruiter or headhunter.A lot of people think that recruiters and headhunters are totally different jobs. They really are not.Difference Between a Recruiter and a HeadhunterThe main difference between a recruiter and a headhunter is that a headhunter usually is recruiting for senior-level or executive roles.If you are a senior-leader, executive, or c-suite candidate you are much more likely to come across headhunters than if you were just graduating from college.Different Types of RecruitersThere are two main types of recruiters. Most recruiters areeither corporate recruiters (working directly for the hiring company) or staffing agency recruiters (working for a third-party company - retained by the hiring company).All recruiters have one thing in common. Their job is to find the best candidates for the specific job they have been assigned to hire for.Here's where you come in...How Headhunters and Recruiters Help Find Your JobIf you want a free optionand have a little bit of time to invest in the process, it never hurts to get in touch with some local recruiters and headhunters.Decide what kind of job you are looking for, what location(s) you are open to, what compensation you are looking for, etc.With this information, you can do a Google or LinkedIn search to find recruiters in your area.Come up with a compelling message to send these recruiters - letting them know a little bit about yourself, and the other details mentioned above about your job requirements .While this option is free, it is also usually the least effective. Since recruiters and headhunters get paid by the hiring company, there is very little incentive for them to go out of their way to help you find a job.However, there is no doubt that recruiters and headhunters do help people find jobs. If you happen to have the background and experience that a recruiter is looking for, then you can guarantee they will be more than happy to help you get that job. It's in both of your best interests to land you that job.Key TakewaysAs we mentioned at the beginning of this article. Yes, you can paysomeone to help you find a job. While the options are limited, career coaches and resume writers are currently the best two options.Recruiters and headhunters provide a great free alternative if you just need some extra eyes and ears out there passively looking for you.We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful! If you have any comments or additions to this article, we'd love to he ar from you!

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